Saturday, 3 March 2012

Separatist Movements in France

Eusko Alkartasuna

Eusko Alkartasuna (Basque pronunciation: [eus̺ko alkartas̺una]; English: Basque Solidarity, Spanish: Solidaridad Vasca, French: Solidarité basque) is a Basque nationalist political party operating in Spain and France. The Basque language name means Basque Solidarity and abbreviated as EA. The party describes itself as a Basque nationalist, democratic, popular, progressive and non-denominational party. Recently, the party adopted the subtitle "Euskal Sozialdemokrazia" ("Basque social democracy").

According to their statute, they are striving to achieve "full national and social freedom in and for the Basque Country". They support the creation of an independent Basque Country, but see it as achievable through the project of the European Union, as a union of peoples, a federation of nations, not states.

Its support in Basque politics has greatly diminished since it was created in 1986 as a schism of the PNV. Currently it holds one MP at the Basque regional parliament and some 20 mayors in the Basque Autonomous Community (where it has gone from 181,000 votes in the 1986 regional election down to 37,820 in 2009) and four MPs in the Navarrese regional parliament elected as a part of the coalition Nafarroa Bai.

The youth wing of the party is the Young Patriots (Gazte Abertzaleak).

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